06 September 2006

More Media Pet Peeves

4) Enemies Expect More Talk Before Being Killed: One other thing movies have really changed is that our enemies are always expecting us to engage them in more banter. I'll be honest; I'm not the most loquacious guy when I'm trying to kill somebody. I could be the odd man out on this. But most of the time, if I don't need any further information from you, I'm going to finish you off as quickly as I can; be it a bullet to the head, a breaking of the neck, or a live electrical wire to the groin. Call me anti-social, but I don't think the movies do us any favors portraying us all as talkative, curious sort of chums. I've noticed lately that whenever a deadly encounter between me and a villain occurs, there is always this look of surprise and positive disappointment in their eyes when I end their life as quickly as I am humanly able. It's almost as if I'm reading in their eyes, "Why didn't you ask me why I decided to turn to a life of crime instead of becoming the next CEO of my father's company?", or "Weren't you curious how I decoded your secret radio transmissions?", or, sometimes, "Why couldn't our fight have been more prolonged and exciting?" And this kind of stuff wears on me. I start to think I might have done something wrong.

Just a few thoughts before I head into the office. Later, folks.


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